A Look at the Growth of Wristbands: From Medical Aids to Crowd Control
Posted by Administrator on 1/10/2013 to
Wristbands in the medical field are commonly used to differentiate between different types of patients, or to signify different types of benefits.
How the Different Uses for Wristbands can Benefit You
Posted by Administrator on 1/3/2013 to
The use of wristbands is steadily rising across the globe and with good reason. For large companies and event sponsors, these little markers are an inexpensive way to identify and organize crowds.
Silicone Wristbands For Charities
Posted by Mel on 12/27/2012 to
Are you looking for a unique but profitable way in which to advertise your charity? Over the past several years more and more small to large sized charities have elected to make use of silicone wristbands as a means to generate revenue.
Using Color Wristbands to Raise Awareness For Charities & Non-Profits
Posted by Bryan on 12/20/2012 to
Creating awareness is one of the biggest challenges facing charities and non-profits. People can't donate unless they know and trust you. One of the most inexpensive -- and fun -- ways to raise awareness or your charity is the use of colored silicone wristbands.
The Many Uses of Wrist Bands
Posted by Bryan on 11/22/2012 to
One of the easiest and least expensive ways to organize people, events and ideas is through the use of wrist bands.